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What I Offer 


My work includes teaching, and holding space for workshops and ceremonys/rituals using the  Celtic Wheel as guidance which for me now is a daily practise and a life choice to work with nature. This includes listening to nature and mirroring the seasons into my mind, body and spirit, For example I used to struggle at the first sign of Autumn and resist the long dark evenings and the cold. But  understanding what is happening in nature and the reasons behind it helps me to understand that I too need to slow down and rest too and take stock at this time of year. By going with the flow and understanding the Celtic wheel I work with  nature, my nature and not against it. This involves ceremony and ritual work  around our 8 festivals; of which I facilitate 

1.Samhain ā€“ October 1 

2.Winter Solstice ā€“ December 1 

3. Imbolc, St. Bridgid ā€“ February 1 

4. Spring Equinox ā€“ March 21 

5. Bealtaine ā€“ May 1 

6. Summer Solstice ā€“ June 21 

7. Lughnasa ā€“ August 1 

8. Autumn Equinox ā€“ September 20 


For Further information on location/ structure/ content of these workshops please contact me. 


What I Offer: Service

086 407 8577

Ā©2021 by Bualadh CroĆ­. Proudly created with

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